Building an eLearning gamelet - Concept creation!

Following our scoping chat, we set to work on the most exciting and creative stage - Concept creation!

Letting our imaginations loose, we bounced ideas about the narrative structure, visual theme and a framework for the written content to include within our new eLearning gamelet. Also, we had to give it a face and a name!

Ironing out the narrative

To work within our requirement that the eLearner takes less than one minute to complete the gamelet, we decided to create a simple flow of two question banks with corresponding animations. This simplicity is a constant feature throughout the gamelet, with the written language and scoring mechanics stripped back to the absolute basics. It is crucial we keep the educational content in focus to emphasise how easy it is for other organisations to create engaging content for their eLearners.

To strike a balance of simplicity and interesting content, we decided to follow an adventurer as he makes his way through a couple of tricky situations. The character’s success in overcoming the obstacles in their way depends entirely on whether the Learner answers the question correctly or incorrectly.

Making it graphically interesting

The Konnektis team has a real interest in vintage-looking games, which tend to be simpler to play and easier to make accessible. Inspired by the graphics in classic side-scrolling video games like Super Mario, Rayman Legends, and Indiana Jones’ Greatest Adventure, we decided to create a rough proof-of-concept. The graphics contain floating islands and hidden caves, with colours that are identifiably part of the Konnektis brand.

To make the gamelet more personal, we also included our team member Hon as the central character. He likes it so much that he’s considering some body art of his new avatar!

Having outlined the initial stages of this project, our next steps involve outlining the tech development proof of concept, drafting the storyboard and a more in-depth look into the graphic design process, so stay tuned.

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